Developer Commands

LinuxGSM provides commands to help developers gather information about the game server they are developing.

Command Name

./gameserver developer

./gameserver dev

Detect Details

./gameserver detect-details

./gameserver ddt

Detect Dependencies

./gameserver detect-deps

./gameserver dd

Detect Glibc

./gameserver detect-glibc

./gameserver dg

Detect ldd

./gameserver detect-ldd

./gameserver dl

Query Raw

./gameserver query-raw

./gameserver qr

Clear Functions

./gameserver clear-modules

./gameserver cm


The developer command enables development mode allowing access to all hidden developer commands.

This command also enables dev debug that outputs everything LinuxGSM is doing to dev-debug.logwhen a command is run.

./gameserver developer
./gameserver dev

Detect Details

Detects variables that are set up to be displayed in details.

./gameserver detect-details
./gameserver ddt

Detect Dependencies

Detects dependencies the server requires by checking the contents of serverfiles. The output suggests the install command required.

./gameserver detect-deps
./gameserver dd

Detect Glibc

Automatically detects which version of GLIBC a game server requires

./gameserver detect-glibc
./gameserver dg

Detect ldd

Automatically detects required dependencies using the ldd command.

./gameserver detect-ldd
./gameserver dl

Query Raw

Queries the game server using,gamedig ,, tcp and udp, giving a raw output. This can diagnose if the game server query is working and configured correctly.

./gameserver query-raw
./gameserver qr

Clear Modules

Use this command when pushing commits to a specific branch. It deletes all functions from lgsm/functions and removes default LinxuGSM configs. Allowing a commit to be applied to the testing environment without being overwritten and resetting the GitHub branch settings.

./gameserver clear-modules
./gameserver cm

Last updated