

LinuxGSM uses the GitFlow method (mostly) for releases. Relying on master, develop, feature and hotfix branches.

For further reading on the GitFlow model read the following article.


The master branch will be the stable release branch. The develop branch is for developing stable code. All code is to be developed in a feature branch or hotfix for urgent fixes.


The master branch is where the stable, production release is kept. Only code that has gone via the develop can be merged here and goes through a release process. It is very important that the code there has been tested and is stable as it is used in production.


The develop branch brings together all the feature branches ready to be tested to become the next stable release. Developers should use develop as the base when creating a branch.


A feature branch is a development branch that is used while code is being actively worked on by developers. A feature branch should normally relate to an existing issue in GitHub. The feature branch should refer to the issue number and a word or two describing the issue, allowing other developers to know what issue branch is related to and helps with housekeeping.


Once a feature is ready to be merged into develop a pull request is to be raised to allow the feature to be reviewed.

The branch naming convention is less of an issue for developers who have forked the project and submitted a pull request. However, it is recommended that the standard is used.


The hotfix branch is identical to the feature branch but instead is used for urgent fixes that need to be applied to master.



When code from the develop branch is ready for release it is split off into a release branch.

The release branch will not have any more features added to it. It is then tested and any bugs fixed it will be released into master and tagged as a version number. The release will also be merged back into the develop branch.

Last updated